Colored Cardstock 25 Pack

Price: $3.99
Discount Price: $1.99
SKU Colored Cardstock Colors Price Qty.
Colored Cardstock 25 pack Celestrial Blue Celstrial Blue $3.99
Colored Cardstock 25 pack Cosmic Orange Comic Orange $3.99
Colored Cardstock 25 pack Rocket Red Rocket Red $3.99
Colored Cardstock 25 pack Solar Yellow Solar Yellow $3.99
Colored Cardstock 25 pack Stardust White Stardust White $3.99
Colored Cardstock 25 pack Terra Green Terra Green $3.99
Colored Cardstock 25 pack Terrestrial Teal Terrestrial Teal $3.99
Colored Cardstock 25 pack Venus Violet Venus Violet $3.99
Colored Cardstock 25 pack Vulcan Violet Vulcan Violet $3.99

25 sheets of your favorite color. The brightest colored paper available. Acid Free Laser and Ink Jet 8.5 x 11 only

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